Saidia beach border with Algeria (Review 1)

Saidia and I knew the name of an ancient castle Agroud is the city of the province of procuring East volcano is located on the Mediterranean coast in the north-east of the Kingdom of Morocco. The city is located 22 km north of the volcano, 100 meters from the Algerian border. Ozeld harbor city of about 18,000 people and is one of the most promising Almottagat Moroccan tourist, where the city has dozens of kilometers of sandy beaches and yellow ideal climate throughout the year.

Join Saidia is a modern city compared with the history of Morocco. City Year was founded in 1548 AD and built their mosque. 1881 was built by the Moroccan Sultan Hassan I Castle and mosques. 1913 French control over the city and declared it a subsidiary of the French protectorate of Morocco Mahmathm Morocco. After independence, the city Zdhrt result of domestic tourism and the enthusiasm of holidaymakers on the Moroccan coast is beautiful.

Saidia town not far to Nador only 95 kilometers
Saidia beach city par excellence
It bride region
Flock by thousands of people in the summer and winter
They are similar to other beaches filled in all seasons
Located east of Morocco on the Mediterranean coast
The most important beach in the Eastern Province
Saidia beach is nicknamed Jawhara blue.
This is known as beach visitors every year from the people of the region and some areas
Moroccan and outside the home

The importance of Saidia beach in its strategic location,
Where he was near the central tourist attraction,
Europe and the Maghreb region, as well as the brotherly Arab countries
The proximity to the airport, Jeddah and international Nador
In addition to the two ports provided for entertainment


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