Oujda Moroccan city located in the labor Ankad Oujda, the capital of the eastern side hosts the headquarters, located in the far east of the kingdom on the Moroccan-Algerian border, it is not far from the border center pair mules only about 14 km away, and so is the border town par excellence. And 60 km from the Mediterranean coast. In January 1, 1994 and celebrated Jeddah Bolviha first.
Located on Route 19 heading to Figuig, and the main road that connects No. 6 Casablanca, Fez and Oujda towards the border with Algeria. Stretching and grandmother at a distance of 600 km ², and Otba her village eight groups are: Ahel Ankad, Ain Safa, Bani Khalid, Esle, Lbesara, Mstfrcka, sidi Boulanouar, Sidi Mossa Mhaiah.
Located on Route 19 heading to Figuig, and the main road that connects No. 6 Casablanca, Fez and Oujda towards the border with Algeria. Stretching and grandmother at a distance of 600 km ², and Otba her village eight groups are: Ahel Ankad, Ain Safa, Bani Khalid, Esle, Lbesara, Mstfrcka, sidi Boulanouar, Sidi Mossa Mhaiah.