Bulgaria, European Tourism

The Republic of Bulgaria (Bulgarian: Република България) state located southeast Europe overlooking the Black Sea from the western part. Romania is bordered to the north, and Turkey, and Greece to the south and the Republic of Serbia and Montenegro and the Republic of Macedonia to the west. And joined the European Union in January

Bulgaria has an area of ​​approximately 110,993.6 thousand square kilometers. Is one of the Balkan states, located in the southeast of the European continent.
Bulgaria is divided into areas of Thrace, and Macedonia Mossia.

  • Climate:
Bulgaria's climate is generally mild, with cold winters and hot, dry summer.

  • Demography 
Population According to statistics, in 2001, approximately 83.9% of the population in Bulgaria are Bulgarians, and with a Okulaitin large are Turks (9.4%) and Roma (4.7%), as there are other minorities small, mainly Armenians, Russians, Tatars, Macedonians, Jews and others.
  • Language
The official language is Bulgarian, which is spoken by about 84.8% of the country's population, which is one of the languages ​​Alslavaah South. Spoken by about ten million people in parts of Bulgaria and Greece, and Romania, and the republics of Moldova and Ukraine. Cyrillic alphabet origin, and the number of letters Twenty-nine characters.

  • Tourism in Bulgaria
The number of tourists visiting each year about 10 million tourists. Bulgaria is an important transit country for trade between Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
  • Transport and Communications
And making it easier to transport in Bulgaria with land and air, rail, and water networks.
  • Railways
The country has a railway network and an extensive road,
  • Airports
There are airports in all of Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas.


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